[Event + Swatch] : Lip on Lip Newest Matte Lipstick by Rohto
Friday, April 13, 2018
On one sunny Saturday Morning last week I joined a blogger gathering with Female Daily and Lip on Lip by Rohto to celebrate the launching of Lip on Lip newest matte lipsticks as well as join a photography workshop by Micheal Cools. So those invited are among the very first to try out this new lipstick from Lip On Lip. Do you know that Lip on Lip is a brand by Rohto and is actually not a new brand. It has been in the industry for quite a while now but recently just added a new line into their lipstick collection that is this Matte series. As someone who deals with the creative industry (Content Creator) I'm always on the run to elevate my own skills in order to be able to create a produce innovative and creative content. That's why I'm so excited to be able to take part in this event, once again thanks Female Daily and Lip on Lip for having me at this event.
In this post I'll share some of the photography insight tips that I've learnt from the workshop as well as give you guys a little overview on the whole Lip on Lip Matte lipstick collections with the complete swatches as well. So make sure to read till the end, without further ado let's begin.
In this post I'll share some of the photography insight tips that I've learnt from the workshop as well as give you guys a little overview on the whole Lip on Lip Matte lipstick collections with the complete swatches as well. So make sure to read till the end, without further ado let's begin.
The event itself is hosted at Eastern Opulence Restaurant rooftop where we have abundance of sunlight throughout the day making every shot taken looking great. Little tips is that natural light is my best friend in all my photographs. The event began with a little opening speech by Lip on Lip representative about the brand as well as the products. Followed up with the official launch of Lip on Lip Matte lipsticks, They have launched five new matte lipstick shades that have very wearable tone perfect for everyday use. The five shades are: Nude, Rosie, Pinkish, Peony and Reddish.
Let's talk about the price, price wise these matte lipsticks from Lip on Lip are super affordable they only cost 39k - 45k each price may vary from the place you buy them. You can easily purchase them through various online E-commerce market like Lazada, Tokopedia, Blibli and many more. Don’t forget to make your way to @femaledailynetwork upcoming Jakarta X Beauty 2018 event from 27-29 April 2018 to get special promotions on these lipsticks by Lip on Lip💄

Let's talk about the price, price wise these matte lipsticks from Lip on Lip are super affordable they only cost 39k - 45k each price may vary from the place you buy them. You can easily purchase them through various online E-commerce market like Lazada, Tokopedia, Blibli and many more. Don’t forget to make your way to @femaledailynetwork upcoming Jakarta X Beauty 2018 event from 27-29 April 2018 to get special promotions on these lipsticks by Lip on Lip💄
Yeah! Lip on Lip Matte Lipstick has officially launched Here are all the guests of the day from Female Daily Network, Lip On Lip and Michael Cools.
Now moving on to the photography workshop session, I guess this is the most anticipated part right? These days everyone want to be able to create great photographs even if you don't dwell in the creative industry but being able to create and capture a great picture gives everyone the same joy we all experience.
Thus the tips below might be very useful for you too.❤
Photography workshop with Michael Cools |
Kak Agnes trying to implement the photography tricks shared at the event. |
So now let me share with you a little bit of what's shared during the event about photography. First you need to identify all the following who, what, where, when and how then the ground rules experiment, break rules, persevere. No one suddenly become pro over night everything needs effort and trial and errors to finally find their most favorable style in photography. The next important thing one should also consider is this simple equation
set your object, composition, angle , props and value.
Basically once you've sorted out all these you can find your own ground and then slowly
getting a grid of your own photography style.
- It's better to free your expressions and don't fear to play with your expression, composition and be as creative as possible.
-When it comes to selfie he said it would be much better to use natural expression like smile instead of the popular duck face. However if you smile choose to smile sincerely because an image convey your true emotion to its viewer.
- Lighting is key. Always choose the golden hour and natural light to take great pictures.
- To make your Instagram content look neater you might want to use filters so your whole feeds can have the same tone.
-When you don't have sufficient lighting its better to use windows as your source of lighting.
Key: Everyone has to find their own preference & that will differentiate them from another. Find yours !
Thank you Female Daily and Lip and Lip for choosing me as one of the winner :) |
With the one and only Micheal Cools, I've been a fan of his work so happy to meet him in real life. Thanks for the tips kak :) |
Everyone looking beautiful in red :) Crew of the day! |
The happy kid every time I open a new package :) anyone feels that same excitement as mine? Below is my full swatches of the five lipsticks as you can see the colors aren't anything too overwhelming they're all quite wearable for everyday use and you easily combine them to create ombre lips that is still a trend now. The packaging of the Lip on Lip matte lipstick is very slim, sleek and clean it comes in a white overall packaging that makes it fit in your bag easily so you don't have to worry of carrying bulky packaging.

Formula wise I would say they're quite creamy in texture and glides on smoothly on the lips. The lipstick contains anti oxidant, Vitamin E, Jojoba Oil, Coconut Oil, Soybean Oil and other natural ingredients that are formulated to keep our lips hydrated even though the lipstick has a velvet matte finish. Overall I'm loving Rosie shade the most because I'm a fan of MLBB / mauve kind of colors that I personally feel instantly brighten up my whole complexion and isn't anything too daring for everyday wear.
Formula 4/5
Pigmentation 4/5
Long lasting 3.5/5
So what are you waiting for? Head over and check out these new lipsticks I know any woman could never say no to another new collection of lipstick. This lipstick is very cost effective I would say and it's formula and pigmentation is great :)
Hope you enjoy reading this post~ See you next time !
Love, Stevie
Jadi waktu itu , aku niatnya pengen beli bedak di ranch market ci , eh tiba2 aku nemu produk ini, terus karena aku lihat mereknya Rohto , ya walaupun selama ini aku cuman tahu mereka ngeluarin obat tetes matanya aja , akhirnya aku mutusin buat beli yang shade Matte Rosie (cokelat pink/fuschia) , aku pake ini hampir setiap hari buat ke kampus ci , my go-to lip matte deh ci , karena teksturnya ringan walaupun ga terlalj tahan lama , so buat aku ga masalah , aku cuman perlu touch up aja kalau warnanya udah mulai hilang Nama : Nathaniela Adriyani , Ig : @nella99
ReplyDeleteMurah banget pengen.kak stevie makasih rekomendasi lipstiknya udah murah Bagus lagi warnanya. Warna nude yang paling keren. Oh iya pigment nya gimana kak?
ReplyDeleteSuka warna nude ����
ReplyDeletewaaaa ini favorite akuuu bener bener post yg paling terniat ada foto foto pas event, swatch di tangan dan bibir, review dan penilaian. karna aku anaknya visual bgt kl liat review mesti liat foto hahaha jadi ini sih one of my favorite. aku jd pgn beli produknyaaaaa dong kak gmn dong hahaha parah bikin pgn��
ReplyDeletebtw aku jg ikut giveaway clinique lhooo hihi wish me luck
ig : svraa
Kenapa lipstick apa aja tetep cantik di pake kaka?😥 namaku wanda hamida, my instagram @wandahamida1
ReplyDeleteNama = Fanny esella
ReplyDeleteNama IG = Fanny_esella. C
kak stevie keep inspiring ya dengan review-reviewnya karena aku juga pgn jadi beauty blogger (walau masih newbie dan reviewnya baru di ig aja bukan blog sendiri hahaha) <3 *ig: @yoselyn.eunike*
ReplyDeleteBaru tau product ini 😂😂 makasi ci stevie reviewnya. Jadi tertarik beli karna harganya cocok buat mahasiswa kaya akuuu 😁😘 but saat baca rohto otomatis yg aku inget obat tetes mata 😁😂
ReplyDeleteInstagram account : mutialfa