[Event+Review]: Mustika Puteri Summer Party
Friday, May 19, 2017
Mustika Puteri Acne Series #SayonaraJerawat #ByeAcne
Around last week I was invited to the Mustika Puteri Summer Party with Clozette ID. During this event we were given more knowledge and in-dept about Mustika Puteri's Acne series line and ways to style our summer clothes with Chianti Gunawan. Mustika Puteri Acne Series has this tagline of #SayonaraJerawa with their Acne Series Line and they claim that their product can help to diminish acne in just 7 days and they're also Paraben free!!
Mustika Puteri GM, Ibu Retno giving out her opening speech |
The event begin as Kak Tika begin to host the event, first Kak Chianti Gunawan shared her tips on dressing up for hot Summer days which is basically everyday here in Jakarta but to be specific is on holidays like on beach days, etc.. She shared her handy styling tips likee to wear hats to keep our hairs on fleek throughout the day even though the weather is hot and humid and to pair our own Summer attire that fits to most to ourselves and to look stylish on a beach holiday doesn't always need to wear bikinis. Wearing abrinas or backless top can be challenging especially if we have acnes on our back that's why Kak Chianti Gunawan specifically highllighted the need to keep our skin clean so that if we opt for those kind of attire we'll look dashing!
Calling upon on to stage is the representative from Mustika Puteri as she explains more about the product and to be specific the Acne mist spray which is made specially to cater to back or shoulder acne. They uses natural ingredients and uses witch-hazel as their main ingredient. Its an ingredient believed to be able to heal acne naturally. As said we're what we eat so if we tend to have a negative and unbalanced lifestyle we'll end up having bad skin because our skin reacts to how our body feels. Therefore it is very important to maintain our health and lifestyle...

Calling upon on to stage is the representative from Mustika Puteri as she explains more about the product and to be specific the Acne mist spray which is made specially to cater to back or shoulder acne. They uses natural ingredients and uses witch-hazel as their main ingredient. Its an ingredient believed to be able to heal acne naturally. As said we're what we eat so if we tend to have a negative and unbalanced lifestyle we'll end up having bad skin because our skin reacts to how our body feels. Therefore it is very important to maintain our health and lifestyle...
The ever stylish Chianti Gunawan |
The whole range of Mustika Puteri Acne Series Line |
This Acne Series by Mustika Puteri claim to be formulated to heal and diminish acne scars and acne problems on the skin.
Here's what the product claim to be able to do to our skin quoted from their website.
- Temulawak extract (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Root Extract) contains Xanthorrizol compounds as anti acne.
- Salicylic acid that has been combined with Acacia Gum helps lift dead skin cells by minimizing irritant effects
- Panthenol helps moisturize the skin
- Chitosan (nano) and Centella (nano) help treat acne prone skin and help fight acne-causing bacteria (Only On Acne Gel)
Right after the quick Q&A session we moved on to the challenge session where we were divided into groups to create our own yell" or jingle song video to express about this Mustika Puteri Acne Series Line. Afterwards we enjoyed lunch and the event continued as the Sun rises even higher in Noon...
The crowd on that day!! |
Now say bye to acne with this Acne Series Line by Mustika Puteri. A brand dedicated to help young girls, teens or young adult to feel confident in their own skin being acne and trouble free! |
The Prize I won during the event!! A huge lots of goodies
I'm pretty much a foodie myself so here's what served on the table that day! The Tiramisu is to die for so yummy 💗
I'm pretty much a foodie myself so here's what served on the table that day! The Tiramisu is to die for so yummy 💗
Calamary |
Shrimp Roll |
Fish and Chips |
Tiramisu, So yum!! |
Coming back after lunch the winners were chosen as I was lucky to win a prize for the day!! After that it marks the end of the event. No event would ever feel complete without taking pictures together right? here are some of my blogger babes!! It was a bright sunny day and we were all dressed up in Sabrina tops or dresses that makes it feel a lot like Summer Party together!!

Let me share with a my little experience with acne, in my teens I've experienced serious acne problems that even hurt my self-esteem but over the years although my skin has become a lot better but acne never completely left me. They come and go especially during those time of the months we ladies we'll experience that hormonal instability that results in acne. In addition to that my lifetsyle that has been not balance due to work load and stress worsen my skin condition that's why if you've realized my skin has been very angry to be lately that I started to break out again... Now moving on to the review... The complete acne series by Mustika Puteri consist of Acne Facial Foam, Acne Moisturizer, Acne Tinted Moisturizer, Acne Powder, Acne Gel and Acne Trouble Mist Spray and today I'll share my personal experience I've encountered while trying out both the Acne Gel and Acne Trouble Mist Spray below... enjoy !
Acne Gel
This Acne Gel by Mustika Puteri is very light in formula and it doesn't feel sticky on the skin. It is meant to be used as a spot treatment for the face but it is very gentle and not like usual spot treatment that cause exfoliating/peeling effect but this one soothes and calms the inflammation of trouble acne skin. No harsh effect on the skin is felt while using this product, the product helps to shrink the size of acne slowly naturally therefore it doesn't result in any peeling effect. Another thing I love is it helps the skin to heal therefore you'll no longer experience acne scars due to harsh peeling process.
This is how the acne gel look like, the colour is kind of brownish but I really love the scent nothing very much or chemical kind of scent but more of a soothing and refreshing subtle scent. Love the effectiveness of this product too! |
It also blends in easily onto the skin, gives a tingling cool sensation too.. |
Usually I would apply a generous amount on the trouble spot and leave it to dry for the day or night. However on day time I usually apply lightly and blend it in after my skin care before moving in with my makeup but at night I'll just leave a generous amount on the spot and let it dry overnight. I realize that this spot treatment helps to soothe my irritated and red trouble acne bumps and the next day when I woke up the bumps become a lot smaller in size and what's most significant is the redness is not very much visible anymore.
Acne Trouble Mist Spray
Now the star of the show! When talking about acne skin care range we'd most probably seen lots of different varieties in the market but the one made specially for back acne are very rare in the market and now Mustika Puteri came with this innovation Acne Trouble Mist Spray that answers to every back acne problem. TO be honest I rarely have problems with back acne but not sure how and when I started having some back acne these days. So I tried this on for a week now and saw that it really does help for my skin to heal. Although it claims that this product can help to heal acne in just 7 days but after 7 days I still see some acne left on my back but it does help to clear it up... Talking about the formula about this product it is very much watery since its a mist spray therefore it shrinks into the skin directly and does't leave the skin feeling sticky instead it leaves the skin feeling refreshed and cool..
I realize that both these products from Mustika Puteri are very gentle and they really soothe and calm my troubled acne skin. Although I can't say that their claim completely work for me ( 7 days wonder) but I do believe that if a product work on my skin it will show improvement and that's what I've been seeing on my skin. However back again this is my own personal experience different people may experience different effect since each of us have different reaction to skin care but all I can say that this products work for me!! I could see visible improvement although not instant and magical effect that completely clear up all my trouble acne skin. Totally love how these products are effective on my acne skin but they're also gentle on the same time.
After spraying the face mist, it felt so light, refreshing and cool on the skin.. |
Thank you for reading! I hope this post helps for those who are desperately in need of a back acne problem... Check out Mustika Puteri ID for more information regarding this acne series line. Lastly thank you Clozette ID and Mustika Puteri for having me at the event!
Aku pengen banget acne gel nya Mustika Ratu 😢😢😢.